Please carefully inspect your merchandise immediately upon receipt. If any item does not meet your approval, you may return it to American Technologies Network, Corp. within 10-days for a refund. Please be aware, that 14-21 day business turn around is required. *Some Restrictions Apply. Shipping, handling, and C.O.D. charges are non-refundable. Return shipping and insurance costs are the responsibility of the customer. No returned packages will be accepted freight collect or C.O.D.. American Technologies Network, Corp. is not responsible for returned merchandise that is damaged in shipping.
Important: You must contact American Technologies Network, Corp. for a return authorization number. This number must appear on the outside of the returned package. You must include a copy of your original invoice with your shipment. All items returned for exchange or refund must be new, in the exact condition that the item was received and must include the manual and all included accessories.
Items received by American Technologies Network, Corp. that have been damaged as a result of inadequate packaging, misuse, neglect and or other obvious physical damage will be returned to the customer. Refund or credits will be adjusted accordingly in the event that American Technologies Network, Corp. issues a refund. Special orders, closeouts, and products sold "as is" cannot be returned.
* American Technologies Network, Corp. reserves the rights to refuse merchandise, return the merchandise, or charge a 15% restocking fee under the following conditions.
1) Merchandise was received after the ten day trial period without prior authorization. 10-day period begins once the merchandise is received by or for the customer from the shipping carrier until the time that American Technologies Network, Corp. receives the merchandise back at its facility.
2) The merchandise was incomplete, damaged, obviously used or scratched.
3) The merchandise shipped was improperly packaged.
4) The merchandise was ordered but delivery was refused by or for the customer.